One Can Only Dream...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Because I think it would be hilarious to find a baby in one of those newspaper boxes. We constantly forget all kinds of things. Today, I left my keys inside a sandwich toaster. Please don't ask me how or why this happened. What's important to note is that when we forget things, they are usually things of import, yet, no one seems to forget babies in newspaper boxes. And of course, that begs the question, "what would I do if I were ever to find a baby in one those boxes?" Well, that's easy, I'd put said baby to work. Think of all the grant writing that baby could do for you- all the freelance gigs and part-time jobs it could take on your behalf, while you sit back all day sipping Margaritas and playing Wii Golf. It would be boss.

 (Insert baby here.)


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