The Most Disastrous Freudian Slip Footage!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Main Entry: Freudian slip
Also known as 'parapraxis'
Function: noun
Date: 1953 (Merriam-Webster):
a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind.

As in, for instance:

Oh, Fox News. How we love you.

My favorite is how they try so hard to make up for it. It's like, nope, too late, you're already an idiot.


And cut!

Who said Bush wasn't honest?! There's enough out there to devote an entire blog to his slips. It's like he was a moron intentionally.

And probably the best one yet...Go BUSH!


And now, a word from our Sponsors:


The Other Side of JEOPARDY

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Because it is imperative to be one with the dark side of JEOPARDY.

Ah, come on! That was the perfect answer!

If only every contestant were this insane.

This one isn't really that funny, but it'll prepare for what's next. You see, Alex Trebek is actually a straight up gangster. Although, he lost most of that rawness when we killed his stache.

This is full stache behavior. The video changed my life. Everything I knew before then was a lie. I bet he smokes blunts and pounds mad hos prior to every shoot. Fo real.


Satisfyingly Inappropriate Videos! (Part 1)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Because watching all the videos one after the other will change your life for the better. They constitute the absolute dark side of mankind. So please, hold on to the nearest creature and squeeze...

Samwell "What What (In the butt)": This is one of the most tender videos I've ever seen. Not only is it amazingly computerized, but it makes you want to take a bite out of a chocolate heart butt. Just watch it, it'll all make sense.

Simian Mobile Disco "Hustler": There are two videos for this song. This one is NOT the one you hoped for. I just couldn't find it in my heart to deem it inappropriate what with a room full of wonderful dames locking lips (or souls really). Maybe next time. Anyway, I won't introduce this at all. Just wait for it. You'll realize that you had fetishes you never knew existed.

Major Lazer "Pon de Floor": There are no words for this video. This man is an absolute genius. It's like porn dancing set in Magical Jelly Bean Land. Please note: you will be aroused in less than 2 seconds from starting the video or feel like you were just generally handled.

Jonathan Robinson "The Terrible Secret of Space": He's warned you; it is quite terrible. This video will make you want to kill yourself out of sheer confusion. It teaches about the benefits of pushing, shoving, and throwing old ladies down sets of stairs. Additionally, it'll implant visions of insanity in your head. Do not stare directly into the background or you will lose your sense of self. You've been warned.


Well, this concludes the brief Part 1 of SATISFYINGLY INAPPROPRIATE VIDEOS! You were supposed to imagine a resounding echo in that last part. I would added the newest Rammstein video to this post, but it reall is just porn, so I'll leave that one for you.

Anyway, Hope you've enjoyed the short ride! Please stay tuned for Part 2 of SATIS-....ah, you get it. Oh, and a Babyhead! at least 2 times a day. That's a metaphor.


Why Do You Call Your Sweetheart "Baby"?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Because you're a sick human being. Here at Babyheads! we are interested in everything BABY. Baby toys, baby food, baby clothes, you name it.

But sometimes we must deal with some very serious baby-related issues. These issues call for a certain air of solemnity, and the courage to honestly address very sensitive topics.In this very special post, we will examine one of the most insidious and pervasive tendencies in our contemporary culture.

Let’s put it this way: every day there are people, honest hardworking people who have the best intentions in the world. But every day these people are committing an egregious sin. They are performing an act that is as degraded and immoral as it is ingrained in our tumultuous subconscious desires.

We have a plethora of pet names for our significant others: honey, sweetheart, love, darling, sweetpea, etc. But one pet name stands above the rest. One pet name has managed to weasel its way into our favorite movies, our favorite songs, and our most intimate interactions. This pet name, of course, is “BABY.”

Yes, that’s right: “BABY,” along with its perverse diminutive friend “BABE” have wielded their influence and inflicted damage on untold romantic partners.

Just think about it for a second. Why in the world would you want to reduce the love of your life to an infantile state? Would you enjoy being romantic with a toothless, uncommunicative, submental baldheaded freak who is completely and utterly dependent on you???

Well, this is the message you’re sending when you call your significant other “BABY.” The ugly truth is that you are participating in a mass movement to reduce our romantic partners to a baby-state. You are aiding and abetting in the fetishization and glamorization of infantile behavior.

And what about the children??? What will your actual babies think when they see mom and dad being referred to as “babies”??? Will they begin to think that they are the adults?

The politicians use issues like “healthcare” and the “economy” to distract us. But if you just stop and think for a second, you’ll realize that our country will not survive past the first half of the 21st century if we keep insisting on glorifying this ugly practice.

Any sane person would agree that a moratorium on calling your partner "baby" is the only solution. I beg you from the bottom of my heart to contact your senator and raise your concern about this very important issue.


10 Reasons Why You Should Love Justin Bieber

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

(The new Boy Wonder. What a hunk!)

10. He's beautiful. He reminds you of a strawberry-scented sunset. You can smell it and feel its rays, but it's too resplendent to look at directly. So when you look at Justin Bieber, make sure to wear dark sunglasses.

9. He needs your support because he has no forehead. Those bangs are just a cover for the sadly concave upper portion of his face. Some people are simply not fortunate enough to be blessed with foreheads at birth, so we must be there for them.

8. He's the first transgender teen pop-star. If you really think about it, the fact that he's so immensely popular is super-progressive in a country like ours. I suppose he's just to super-sweet to be heckled. I guess it's true that he's taking the world by storm.

7. His politics are super informed and sophisticated. He once said in an interview that he doesn't care about that stuff, which is code for I'm a Conservative Republican with rich liberal leanings. I wouldn't be surprised if at the age of 18, he became the first teenage President. Then Inaugurations would be fun and full of candy-coated rainbows.

  (Justin Bieber skateboards, too?!)

6. He's gentle like a cloud, which is more than I can say for you macho types who drink straight petroleum and wrestle sharks. Justin Bieber is sensitive to a lady's needs and this is why he's so successful. So don't hate.

5. He's from Canada, so he has health insurance. People with health insurance are way better than people without it. And if you have MassHealth, or any of its other unfortunate permutations, you know that you are inferior to the healthy young lad that is Justin Bieber.

4. He can melt you by simply pointing his finger at you. Justin Bieber has mastered the pop-star pointing technique. That's when an international pop icon simply raises his hand and points directly at you while squinting an evocative gaze. If he manages to bite his lip while doing so, you know you're in the zone!

(Prepare to be puddles, ladies...and gents, as well.)

3. Justin Bieber's favorite color is purple. Need I say more?

2. Justin Bieber is left-handed, which means that he's no stranger to ink smudges (that's a profound metaphor, people). And it also means that his writing hand hurts a lot when he uses regular notebooks, what with the prejudiced engineering of aluminum notebook bindings and all. In other words, he knows what it is to feel pain, which means that he can elevate you.

1. His voice is changing, but that won't stop him. Justin Bieber laughs in the face of puberty. In fact, since he's a transgender pop icon, he's going through several layers of puberty at once which should tell you something about how insidiously amazing he is!

In short, Justin Bieber cares about you. So LOVE Justin Bieber, because he has the power to change you, to illuminate you, and make you 10 times sexier than you already are. Fact.


Things That I LOVE

  • The gap between Mike Tyson's teeth
  • Quarters
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Words that start with the letter 'M'
  • Flirtatious kitties
  • Pinapple Soda
  • Jeff Goldblum
  • Sean Connery's disgusting accent
  • The smell of babyheads
  • Babyheads, in general
  • The scratchy crackle of old records
  • Bubble-gum flavored toothpaste
  • Gongs
  • Cigarettes
  • Oblong kites
  • Oblong heads
  • Pistachios
  • Grundles
  • The word ‘fupa’
  • Gummy worms
  • People who start conversations with “And so…”
  • Strange weathervanes
  • Golden Retrievers, because they’re angels…just ask Bill
  • Bill, although he’s not a thing- although sometimes he is whenever he acts like a teapot
  • Bears playing baseball
  • Schooling your mom at Scrabble
  • Doorbell rings that are way too long to matter
  • People who pronounce the word ‘banana’ nasally
  • Puerto Rican crackheads who try to sell you everything
  • Scratch-n-Sniff stickers
  • Reruns of Full House
  • Theo Huxtable’s many hair cuts
  • Little kids with filthy mouths
  • Wearing new socks
  • Soft earlobes
  • People who think their crooked toes are perfect
  • Cheeseburgers
  • Alien abductees
  • Anything futuristic that’s actually useless
  • Infomercials, because they are useless
  • Little fat robins
  • People with gigantic hair
  • Imagining Bill O’Reilly and Dr. Phil head over heels in love
  • Watching Freudian slips on YouTube
  • The cookie part of a Twix
  • Yo’ Mama jokes
  • Watching someone trying to locate a straw with their mouth while not looking at it
  • Larry David
  • Larry Bird’s weird chin/mouth situation
  • Teenage poetry
  • He-Man’s underwear
  • The fact that Conan punches both a camel AND a horse in his movies
  • Silvester Stallone's unfortunate speech impediment
  • Robert DeNiro’s no nonsense face, I bet he punches babies on a regular basis
  • Pancakes absolutely soaked in cheap syrup, none of that pure maple crap
  • Vitamin Water
  • The warm breath of someone whispering in your ear
  • Lewd old people
  • Laffy Taffy jokes
  • People with small dents on their ears
  • Squish-face people
  • People who pointlessly wash the bar of soap after washing their hands
  • People who DON’T speak to you at urinals
  • Carrot juice
  • The smell of oranges on your hands after eating one
  • People who don’t honk for emotional reasons
  • Crazy Evangelists who love not knowing that they are irremediably insane
  • Snail mail
  • Not knowing what changed about a person after they’ve shaved their facial hair (this also applies to some women)
  • Ugly ass dogs
  • Bearded dogs
  • Dog-earing books that aren’t mine
  • Violently launching CD’s at unsuspecting friends
  • Plastic-covered sofas
  • Multi-service ghetto stores, where you could purchase a calling card, wack jeans, baby bottles, and play the Dominican Lottery, all at once
  • Crazy sailors
  • People who have made their peace with the stupid tattoos they got
  • Reading that a celebrity I didn’t like, died
  • Putting on an inappropriate song at the jukebox of a family restaurant
  • Torturing waiters and waitresses by making origami with their tip money
  • Eating cereal at 2am
  • Wondering when someone will invent Tuna Toothpaste
  • Imagining your face after reading that
  • Seal
  • Ed Hardy Diapers, for clubbing
  • Ignoring people who say inane things
  • Hummus
  • Thinking about the mysteries of chalk
  • 50 cent vending machines with ‘bling’ toys
  • Anticipating the movie ‘Ernest Goes To Porn’
  • Jelly beans
  • Cosby sweaters
  • The name 'Stew'
And this concludes THINGS THAT I LOVE. If you haven't read my segment on THINGS THAT I HATE, do so, or you will have to accept that you are a loser. Actually, I'm just kidding. But seriously, I DO hope that you have wasted the last few minutes of your life reading this. I encourage you to find stupid shit that makes you happy, as well, because in the end that’s what it’s all about. In the end, we’re all BABYHEADS! I have no idea what that means…


And now, a word from our Sponsors:


Yup, Pretty Much The Worst...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Because this man...oh, just watch:

Thanks, Sarah.

And now, a word from our lovely sponsors:

Funny T-Shirts


Things That I Hate

Sunday, April 18, 2010

  • The three-fingered hands of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • When birds start making noise at 4am, forcing you to realize that the night is over
  • I hate the fucking Sun
  • Dolphins
  • The pointy inseams of fifth pockets
  • Skipping CD's
  • Glitchy mp3's
  • When someone leaves a gigantic greasy fingerprint on a DVD
  • People who touch computer monitors to show you something
  • How cartoon characters' eyes disappear and reappear in cheap Hanna-Barbera cartoons
  • Stupid ass Anime cartoons such as: this
  • The sounds effects used for dinosaurs in cartoons and movies despite the fact that no one has any idea what they actually sounded like
  • The Loch Ness Monster Myth
  • Jokes told the wrong way
  • April Fools jokes where blood and/or death are involved
  • The tapping sound of moths insisting on flying into your light bulb
  • Two-pronged electric sockets, cause it's not like it's the year 2010 or anything
  • Non-functioning bulbs on Christmas lights
  • Rocks in the shoe
  • Sweaty flip-flops
  • People who suggest meditation for dealing with stress
  • People who believe they are entitled to being offended by racial remarks not related to their ethnicity, it's like being offended for someone else: "Stop it! I'm offended by proxy 'cause I'm a moron."
  • Wholehearted anti-welfare comments by individuals who refuse to see that they are actually covert racists
  • The word "ebonics"
  • People who "have a black (or, insert any other race/ethnicity here:_________) friend"
  • When someone describes something as African as if it were pertaining to a country
  • The shape of Greenland
  • Aretha Franklin's "R.E.S.P.E.C.T."
  • Fat Elvis
  • Lord of the Rings snobs
  • People who feel that they're special because they've read the book version of a movie adaptation
  • Mosquitoes that fly into your eye
  • Mosquitoes that fly directly into the back of your throat
  • Pointy elbows
  • Inky fingers after reading the paper
  • Walmart "boy-cotters"
  • Spam emails entitled: "This is not spam."
  • AIM away messages
  • When women think they're flirting when they say, "meow".
  • People who've never played video games
  • Tuna can water
  • Garbage juice on your pant leg
  • The wrinkly lining on cooled-down oatmeal
  • People who "don't camp"
  • People who say "what?" after you say something, not because they didn't hear you, but because they need time to respond
  • People who cover their noses when walking by smokers
  • When someone says "make yourself at home" but then proceed to get mad when you decide to drop trou and make a grilled-cheese sandwich
  • People who sigh in order to get attention and/or start a conversation
  • People who don't move when you're walking by them but then say "excuse me" when you find a way around them
  • When drivers unnecessarily stop in order to be "nice" by "letting" you pass when they should've just kept driving
  • People who say: "I hate to say I told you so."
  • Telling you so
  • Marshmallows
  • Colorful cereal made from radioactivity sludge
  • Crap healthy cereal that taste likes foam, feels like cardboard, and looks like rabbit food
  • Walnuts, they look like dried-up balls and taste like earwax
  • Homeopathic remedies that don't work
  • Homeopathic remedies in general
  • People who can't sing but think they can just because they can squeeze out a vibrato
  • Anyone who didn't like the ending of The Sopranos
  • Campsites with jagged rocks that stab your spleen while you sleep
  • Those who believe fairies are real
  • People who preach the need for "common sense" but believe in God
  • When someone who wears glasses peers at you from above their frames
  • Water, I'd rather subsist on toxic high-fructose corn syrup
  • Plants that can't mind their business
  • Spongecake
  • Rice-cakes
  • Fruit cakes...the food
  • Cake...the band
  • Obscene amounts of bacon
  • Inadvertently chomping on grains of sand while eating a sandwich at the beach, it seems that no matter what you do, sand will always find its way onto your delicious, sun-melted sandwich. fact.
  • Seagulls that try to eat that sandwich
  • Inadvertently biting on your fork full-force while eating
  • Gay ponies
  • Dogs named "Blackie", "Diamond", "Max", or "Princess"
  • Dictionaries that lack the word you're looking for
  • People who "raise the roof" and say that they are doing so, while dancing
  • Vegetarians who don't eat meat, because it was once alive
  • Vegetarians who eat plants even though they were once alive
  • The word "encumber"
  • Food that smells like ass
  • Ass that smells like food
  • John Travolta's hair line
  • When people like "all kinds of music except country"
  • The color beige
  • Dogs that bark incorrectly
  • People who laugh incorrectly
  • When a kid keeps repeating the same antic over and over again just because you laughed the first time
  • Babies who are too lazy to get jobs
  • People hung-up on "The Man" or "The System"
  • Angry hippies
  • People who set their cell phone ringers to traditional phone rings
  • Accidentally gluing your fingers together with Crazy Glue
  • People who claim that they are CALM IN A SCREAMING VOICE!
  • When it takes "two to tango"
  • People who apologize for sneezing
  • People who ask if they are boring you simply because you yawned
  • People who, consciously or subconsciously, start whistling after you start to whistle
  • The crusty, non-sugar particles left in a sugar bowl
  • Two-door cars
  • Low-riders
  • People who talk on their cell phones while on buses
  • Airline pillows
  • Inaccurate calendars
  • Alarm clocks with only one sound setting
  • Heterosexual men with black nail polish on their toes
  • Hipsters who make fun of other hipsters while not aware that they are hipsters themselves
  • Anyone who refers to their money as "bling" during a normal conversation
  • People who correct your grammar when you speak, to show you that they're smart
  • Men still holding onto that one patch of hair knowing full well that they should just shave it off
  • Accidentally biting the inside of your cheek and then doing it 3 to 4 more times within the same minute
  • People who accept being retards because they're "only human"
  • Awkward waitresses
  • Waitresses who sit down at your booth to take your order
  • Cashiers who, because they are "cool and down-to-earth", initiate conversation when you're clearly not interested
  • Happiness
  • Cynical statements
  • People who insist on informing you that you've used the word 'irony' incorrectly
  • People who act tough but are actually afraid to fight you
  • People who act as if they enjoy boring old movies so that others can think they are cultured
  • Long-ass text messages that would've easily been a short phone call
  • "Free thinkers" who get upset with you for not voting
  • Olives, they're the pits. I will not apologize for that one.
  • The fact that jeans are 1) pluralized and 2) referred to as a pair
  • The musical designation "Adult Contemporary"
  • Monotone indie rock singers
  • The fact that homelessness is an issue in a country with a trillion useless cemeteries
  • $1.00 lighters
  • Popcorn shells stuck in your teeth and gum lining
  • Not being able to look directly at a solar eclipse
  • Hugh Grant
  • Long blog posts

Stay tuned for the next installment: Things That I Love! Oh, joy!


Tender Hitler Moments

Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Ich want mein blankey!!!"

"Without my mustache, my face looks like a vagina."

"Pay no mind to the flames erupting from my sleeve as I devour my hand."

(Only one thing comes to mind. Click Play.)

"The metrosexual of tomorrow will have large hips and effeminate ears!"

"My other ride is an incinerator."

"Me so loveh tha pasta!"

"So I says to him, I says...just use the "POLISH Remover"! Oh, man."

"God, I wish he'd take that shot, I think I'm spotting."

 "What what. For I can raise the roof indeed. Nah mean!"

"That's right, have your fun, old man. Tomorrow, I shall loot your source of breast-milk and feast on your babyhead."

"This kingdom will one day be yours, Frodo."

"Vagina, averted."


And now, a word from our sponsor:


Top Ten Reasons To Be Racist

Thursday, April 15, 2010



10 Things That Will Guarantee A Lay On Your First Date

10. Claiming that your dad invented the little red men dancing in your date's dinner plate

9. If male: Segueing into a diatribe about the futility of Feminism
    If female: Waxing poetic about how men just want to bone their mothers

8. Making sure to belittle your date for not knowing the difference between particular brands of wine

7. Blowing your nose on your napkin and then gently wiping spaghetti sauce off of your date's face with it

6. If male: Telling your date that she looks fat in her summer dress
    If female: Telling your date that he lacks a bulge and asking if he's, therefore, a eunuch

5. Incessantly extolling the virtues of White Supremacy

4. Persuading your date to watch 'Deliverance' with you

3. Laughing during that scene.

2. Punching yourself continuously in the groin while laughing maniacally

1. Treating your date to McDonalds for a romantic dinner


Bears, Bears, and Bears, Oh My!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Because my sole purpose in life is to hug a bear. Although...I know it'll never happen and I have to live with that. Let's face it, bears don't like to be hugged, and that's a fact. Which doesn't make much sense if you really think about it, since they are so fluffy and squishy and entirely fuzzy on the inside and out. I bet bears could hug the shit out of you if they wanted to. I don't mean literally, although I'm sure that's also a possibility, if they don't eat your whole head first.

 (Out for a day in the town.)

Bears are really strong (some bears are even stronger than mountains) and they're ALWAYS hungry. They eat berries, salamanders, rocks, horseradishes, tuna, and sometimes, even kale. Some bears even eat other bears, which makes them cannisbulls (that's when bears eat other bears). Some bears, like the Great White -who has rows and rows of razor, sharp teeth and swim in the ocean- enjoy dining on plankton and marzipan candies from Denmark. But most of all, bears LOVE honey! If you've watched the hit series, Winnie the Pooh, you know what I mean. A Great White Grizzly Bear can eat an entire handful of honey in one bite and that's not all- some bears even eat bees because they're high in nutrients and earth love. Just ask Bill, he's an expert in bears and earth love!

(Realistic depiction of a bear's diet.)

I know a bear from Indonesia who once ate 1,000 whole bees just by looking at them! In other words, some bears are telepathic, which means that they have X-Ray eyes. It's totally true. Science hasn't proved this yet because bears don't like science; they like honey (see above).

  (Bears are extremely photogenic.)

Bears also dislike math because they have long, sharp claws that aren't conducive to calculators which sucks because they have so much to offer the world. Another thing bears dislike are bear puns such as, "that hairdo is 'beary' nice." Although to be fair, some bears have really good hairdos.

 (Bears are angered by things they dislike.)

Another thing that you probably didn't know is that bears hibernate in caves or hotels in the winter- only they call them 'dens'. Some biologists claim that they go to sleep for the entire winter, but that's impossible because who can sleep that long?! Plus, no one's ever been inside a bear's den during the winter to see if that's true. How do you like THAT apple?!

(This is a bear doing what bears do best.)
Personally, I think they practice their porridge-cooking skills during the winter because everyone knows how good bear porridge is- just ask Little Red Riding Hood. I also think bears work on their abs during the winter which explains why they are so ripped when they finally come out of the their dens in the Spring. Oh and bears also write really well novels during the winter. That's why they're so smart and happy.

Anyway, this should give you an idea of how powerful bears are. So the next time you want to hug a bear, think twice because bears are too powerful to like hugs. For those of you who love bears UNCONDITIONALLY, regardless of their passionate dislike for hugs, check out Bill's "Bears Lovers' Site", which is highly informative and contains information.

The rest is up to you. And by that I mean, sleep well and don't let the bed bears bite! Muhuhahaha! Get it? Bears are strong.

P.S. Here's a poem written by a well-known Afghan-American poet bear:

(Picture of Mr. McBeartrough reading a poem at the 2008 World Authors Convention.)

"Winter Love" by Donald A. McBeartrough

There are times when I like sausages
and times when I like food.
But most of the time I like sausages, 
which is good.

Sausages are friendly. 
Sausages are mean.
I like berries and rocks
and things, because they are green.
Ice cream is sweet 
like sugar coated icicles, 
my fur is full of ticks
because I'm a happy bear.

Love is full of corn,
love is full of life.
So let's all eat corns together
because they're rich in vitamins.




Thursday, April 8, 2010

(The Highlander has but one person to thank.)
On June 15, 1752, Benjamin Franklin invented lightning using nothing but a kite, a key, and electricity! And, of course, there are some historical cock-blockers out there claiming that he never actually invented lightning, but I'm pretty sure they're all dumb. You know, Benjamin Franklin was a very interesting man. He had about 30 legitimate children (4 of which were gimps), engaged in long-intellectual discussions with chairs, and was one of the first statesmen to get a perm. Benjamin Franklin also disagreed with the adoption of the Bald Eagle as a national symbol for the United States; he thought a turkey was a much more honorable symbol. Seriously. Anyway, his contribution to mankind cannot be underrated. Without lightning, how would we be able to see during the day? Think about it.

(Meatballs larger than they appear.)

A simple Google search yields a Mallory Garner, from Houston, Texas, as the inventor, apparently. Unfortunately, I'm going to have disagree with this ridiculous assertion, especially since meatballs have been around way longer than stone wash jeans and Marlboro cigarettes. Another search brings up the name Apicius, who apparently put some crappy recipe collection together back in Ancient Rome. I don't really like his name that much, so that's gotta be wrong. Frankly, I don't think anyone knows who invented the meatball, which is too bad because they are so delicious. Although, if you ask me, I'm pretty sure it was Chef Boyardee.

(A genocidal tool.)

Fly Swatters
Technically, the man responsible for inventing the Fly Swatter went by the name, Frank Rose, some asshole schoolteacher from somewhere in Kansas with a hard-on for flies. I mean, can you imagine the hundreds of flies that have been murdered since then just for like hanging out on walls. Plus, I mean what the hell happens in Kansas? Not a country I want to go to, tell you that much. Anyway, so according to the story, a Dr. Crumbine gave Rose the idea after a series of fly-related diseases in 1905. So he was rushing to fix the situation. He probably thought he was such a hot shot saving all those people. I could do that with my hands closed. Big deal! It's not like people die from diseases. But of course, he had to invent that swatter anyway cause he couldn't deal with a few boils and infections! Fly Nazi!

(Even metrosexuals with belly buttons like fanny packs.)

(Don't be deceived by her good looks, kangaroos are actually very rambunctious.)

Fanny Packs
According to some broad, it was a Melba Stone who invented the fanny pack back in 1962. Apparently, Stone, an Australian lady with like 10 kids, got her inspiration from a kangaroo that, because she had a pouch in her fupa, was free to use her hands for things like driving or playing the banjo. Realizing that she didn't have enough hands to smack her kids with, Stone decided to model a new invention after her marsupial friend. The thing is, Melba Stone has indirectly killed hundreds of naive tourists with this invention- people who could've otherwise avoided attracting muggers with fluorescent pink fupa sacks*. You might as well have invented the gun, Melba! Good job! But anyway, on a happier note, some sources claim that after the fanny pack (which WILL see a hip-hop modified comeback soon, I promise), Melba Stone went on to invent the Scrunchie and Leg Warmers! Fortunately, those prototypes didn't have to be made from children.

*Note: Sentence intentionally ambiguous since
some muggers do actually own pink fupa sacks (i.e. fanny packs).


In 1934, fellow chemists, Louis Gates and Emil Klarmann, invented the phenol compound that would become the base for that chemical we all know and love, Lysol. It wasn't drinkable back then, due to a particular chemical these people used. But let's face it, the 1930's weren't really the most socially conscious of times. I mean, these were the days of non-chunky peanut butter, polystyrene, and synthetics which were probably racist. And let's not forget how "The Man" discriminated against alcohol, forcing Al Capone to basically become the Martin Luther King of drinking things that are delicious and drunky. Anyway, I digress, these dudes were pretty cool and were actually friends, which is weird because scientists don't have friends or ears. Yet these guys had both, which is surprising. Thanks to the efforts of these brilliant chemists, Lysol would go on to clean millions of houses, murder scenes, and children's noses.

(Portable, economical, yet socially unsound.)

Wearable Dog Houses (WDH's)
I wish I could tell you who invented it, but this person's identity has been concealed for reasons of security reasons and other reasons. You see, dogs are very upset about this new development, since it subjects them to intense bouts of motion sickness, embarrassment with the opposite sex, and also happens to be incredibly unhygienic for both dogs and human transporters alike. Sure, that broad in the picture looks pretty content -she's having a grand ole' time- but what happens when the dog decides to lick her belly or relieve itself while Mrs. Molly-Happyface engages in conversation with Gertrude McOldStein at Walmart? Or when Mrs. Molly-Cheeseface decides to carry her toddler around in one of those? Although to be fair, these things are much better suited for children, since you can just a stuff a sandwich in one and close the doggy hatch. By the time you get home, your child is sound asleep and not even hungry anymore. But for dogs, it's just a bad formula. It's just like an incredibly perverse fanny pack with a roof. It's no wonder the Anti-WDH Dog Coalition (ADC or AWDC or AWDHDC) as well as the Anti-Defamatory Dog League, or the ADDL (these houses obviously imply that ALL dogs are domestic, which is so 1990's), are working around the clock to make sure this patent never sees the light of day.

(An illustration of a well-mannered unicorn.)

Um, earth to you, unicorns aren't real! Duh. (Although, they are pretty sweet.)

(A congregation of Push Pins.)

 (The Zeus of Push Pins.)

Push Pins
Some guy named Edwin Moore invented Push Pins in the year 1900. He described the Push Pin as a "pin with a handle", which is amazing because that's exactly what they are. Think about it. I guess you could say that this guy was way ahead of his time and incredibly handsome, even though he was black-and-white as you can see from the picture above. Well, I mean, you can't see how ahead of his time he was from the picture of above, but he WAS the Push Pin King, so that should give you an idea of how amazing he was. I like to think about Push Pins because they're exciting. They keep pictures and posters on your walls which is pretty awesome.

(Don't you just want to be inside her?)

It took the effort of two men to invent the ultimately delicious phenomenon we've come to know as Fluff. These men were H. Allen Durkee and Fred L. Mower (not to be confused with the inventor of the Lawn Mower). Tired of their wives' ham sandwiches, these long-time veterans of the marshmallow industry, had a flash of insight one evening and decided to create a spread of marshmallows that would successfully combine dinner AND dessert. The only problem was the shortage of Marshmallow Birds on the marshes of the East Coast (hence the term marsh-mallows). So what they decided to do was breed them in order to create a surplus of marshmallow resources that would simultaneously add to the Marshmallow Bird population. The plan was a two-fold success: they managed to create the best, most economical dinner/dessert sandwich spread AND save the Marshmallow Bird population, as well. Heroes of man, if you ask me. But don't.

(A man experiencing the unspeakable joys of Osteoporosis)

Contrary to popular belief, Osteoporosis was not invented by God, Lisboans, or Steve McQueen. According to sources, Osteoporosis was invented by old people. Osteoporosis can be characterized as a condition where the thinning of bone tissue and the reduction of bone density occur over time- which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since it can make you super flexible. So that, like mice and other sweet ass rodents, you can fit into small cracks and key holes, which is super useful. For instance, let's say you're an old dude and you forgot your keys in your jar of mayonnaise because of Alzheimer's or something (another cool invention, by the way), then all you'd have to do is insert yourself into your keyhole and unlock the door from the inside. Then you could sit down and watch your old VHS recordings of Matlock and cry about about the injustices of oatmeal. Think about THAT! In closing, no one said it better than the great Thomas Green when he exclaimed, "Osteoporosis rules!" And how!


This concludes the second, and final, installment of...INVENTORS OF NOTE! I sincerely hope that you have learned much on this journey. There are a few other inventions that I didn't cover, but I'll leave that up to you, dear reader. I love you.

It's been an illuminating ride! It really has, despite the deep depression suddenly brought on by the mention of fanny packs and murderous fly swatters. But this all comes with the territory, so I'll just have to be strong. As in the words of that great biologist, Friedrich Nietzsche, "What doesn't kill you makes you more smart."

Anyway, stay tuned for other mind-blowing observations of our terrible world on Babyheads 2.0! Or not, which is also cool, but don't not-stay-tuned cause you might find yourself stupid. Cheers!


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