Why Do You Call Your Sweetheart "Baby"?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Because you're a sick human being. Here at Babyheads! we are interested in everything BABY. Baby toys, baby food, baby clothes, you name it.

But sometimes we must deal with some very serious baby-related issues. These issues call for a certain air of solemnity, and the courage to honestly address very sensitive topics.In this very special post, we will examine one of the most insidious and pervasive tendencies in our contemporary culture.

Let’s put it this way: every day there are people, honest hardworking people who have the best intentions in the world. But every day these people are committing an egregious sin. They are performing an act that is as degraded and immoral as it is ingrained in our tumultuous subconscious desires.

We have a plethora of pet names for our significant others: honey, sweetheart, love, darling, sweetpea, etc. But one pet name stands above the rest. One pet name has managed to weasel its way into our favorite movies, our favorite songs, and our most intimate interactions. This pet name, of course, is “BABY.”

Yes, that’s right: “BABY,” along with its perverse diminutive friend “BABE” have wielded their influence and inflicted damage on untold romantic partners.

Just think about it for a second. Why in the world would you want to reduce the love of your life to an infantile state? Would you enjoy being romantic with a toothless, uncommunicative, submental baldheaded freak who is completely and utterly dependent on you???

Well, this is the message you’re sending when you call your significant other “BABY.” The ugly truth is that you are participating in a mass movement to reduce our romantic partners to a baby-state. You are aiding and abetting in the fetishization and glamorization of infantile behavior.

And what about the children??? What will your actual babies think when they see mom and dad being referred to as “babies”??? Will they begin to think that they are the adults?

The politicians use issues like “healthcare” and the “economy” to distract us. But if you just stop and think for a second, you’ll realize that our country will not survive past the first half of the 21st century if we keep insisting on glorifying this ugly practice.

Any sane person would agree that a moratorium on calling your partner "baby" is the only solution. I beg you from the bottom of my heart to contact your senator and raise your concern about this very important issue.


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