Things That I Hate

Sunday, April 18, 2010

  • The three-fingered hands of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • When birds start making noise at 4am, forcing you to realize that the night is over
  • I hate the fucking Sun
  • Dolphins
  • The pointy inseams of fifth pockets
  • Skipping CD's
  • Glitchy mp3's
  • When someone leaves a gigantic greasy fingerprint on a DVD
  • People who touch computer monitors to show you something
  • How cartoon characters' eyes disappear and reappear in cheap Hanna-Barbera cartoons
  • Stupid ass Anime cartoons such as: this
  • The sounds effects used for dinosaurs in cartoons and movies despite the fact that no one has any idea what they actually sounded like
  • The Loch Ness Monster Myth
  • Jokes told the wrong way
  • April Fools jokes where blood and/or death are involved
  • The tapping sound of moths insisting on flying into your light bulb
  • Two-pronged electric sockets, cause it's not like it's the year 2010 or anything
  • Non-functioning bulbs on Christmas lights
  • Rocks in the shoe
  • Sweaty flip-flops
  • People who suggest meditation for dealing with stress
  • People who believe they are entitled to being offended by racial remarks not related to their ethnicity, it's like being offended for someone else: "Stop it! I'm offended by proxy 'cause I'm a moron."
  • Wholehearted anti-welfare comments by individuals who refuse to see that they are actually covert racists
  • The word "ebonics"
  • People who "have a black (or, insert any other race/ethnicity here:_________) friend"
  • When someone describes something as African as if it were pertaining to a country
  • The shape of Greenland
  • Aretha Franklin's "R.E.S.P.E.C.T."
  • Fat Elvis
  • Lord of the Rings snobs
  • People who feel that they're special because they've read the book version of a movie adaptation
  • Mosquitoes that fly into your eye
  • Mosquitoes that fly directly into the back of your throat
  • Pointy elbows
  • Inky fingers after reading the paper
  • Walmart "boy-cotters"
  • Spam emails entitled: "This is not spam."
  • AIM away messages
  • When women think they're flirting when they say, "meow".
  • People who've never played video games
  • Tuna can water
  • Garbage juice on your pant leg
  • The wrinkly lining on cooled-down oatmeal
  • People who "don't camp"
  • People who say "what?" after you say something, not because they didn't hear you, but because they need time to respond
  • People who cover their noses when walking by smokers
  • When someone says "make yourself at home" but then proceed to get mad when you decide to drop trou and make a grilled-cheese sandwich
  • People who sigh in order to get attention and/or start a conversation
  • People who don't move when you're walking by them but then say "excuse me" when you find a way around them
  • When drivers unnecessarily stop in order to be "nice" by "letting" you pass when they should've just kept driving
  • People who say: "I hate to say I told you so."
  • Telling you so
  • Marshmallows
  • Colorful cereal made from radioactivity sludge
  • Crap healthy cereal that taste likes foam, feels like cardboard, and looks like rabbit food
  • Walnuts, they look like dried-up balls and taste like earwax
  • Homeopathic remedies that don't work
  • Homeopathic remedies in general
  • People who can't sing but think they can just because they can squeeze out a vibrato
  • Anyone who didn't like the ending of The Sopranos
  • Campsites with jagged rocks that stab your spleen while you sleep
  • Those who believe fairies are real
  • People who preach the need for "common sense" but believe in God
  • When someone who wears glasses peers at you from above their frames
  • Water, I'd rather subsist on toxic high-fructose corn syrup
  • Plants that can't mind their business
  • Spongecake
  • Rice-cakes
  • Fruit cakes...the food
  • Cake...the band
  • Obscene amounts of bacon
  • Inadvertently chomping on grains of sand while eating a sandwich at the beach, it seems that no matter what you do, sand will always find its way onto your delicious, sun-melted sandwich. fact.
  • Seagulls that try to eat that sandwich
  • Inadvertently biting on your fork full-force while eating
  • Gay ponies
  • Dogs named "Blackie", "Diamond", "Max", or "Princess"
  • Dictionaries that lack the word you're looking for
  • People who "raise the roof" and say that they are doing so, while dancing
  • Vegetarians who don't eat meat, because it was once alive
  • Vegetarians who eat plants even though they were once alive
  • The word "encumber"
  • Food that smells like ass
  • Ass that smells like food
  • John Travolta's hair line
  • When people like "all kinds of music except country"
  • The color beige
  • Dogs that bark incorrectly
  • People who laugh incorrectly
  • When a kid keeps repeating the same antic over and over again just because you laughed the first time
  • Babies who are too lazy to get jobs
  • People hung-up on "The Man" or "The System"
  • Angry hippies
  • People who set their cell phone ringers to traditional phone rings
  • Accidentally gluing your fingers together with Crazy Glue
  • People who claim that they are CALM IN A SCREAMING VOICE!
  • When it takes "two to tango"
  • People who apologize for sneezing
  • People who ask if they are boring you simply because you yawned
  • People who, consciously or subconsciously, start whistling after you start to whistle
  • The crusty, non-sugar particles left in a sugar bowl
  • Two-door cars
  • Low-riders
  • People who talk on their cell phones while on buses
  • Airline pillows
  • Inaccurate calendars
  • Alarm clocks with only one sound setting
  • Heterosexual men with black nail polish on their toes
  • Hipsters who make fun of other hipsters while not aware that they are hipsters themselves
  • Anyone who refers to their money as "bling" during a normal conversation
  • People who correct your grammar when you speak, to show you that they're smart
  • Men still holding onto that one patch of hair knowing full well that they should just shave it off
  • Accidentally biting the inside of your cheek and then doing it 3 to 4 more times within the same minute
  • People who accept being retards because they're "only human"
  • Awkward waitresses
  • Waitresses who sit down at your booth to take your order
  • Cashiers who, because they are "cool and down-to-earth", initiate conversation when you're clearly not interested
  • Happiness
  • Cynical statements
  • People who insist on informing you that you've used the word 'irony' incorrectly
  • People who act tough but are actually afraid to fight you
  • People who act as if they enjoy boring old movies so that others can think they are cultured
  • Long-ass text messages that would've easily been a short phone call
  • "Free thinkers" who get upset with you for not voting
  • Olives, they're the pits. I will not apologize for that one.
  • The fact that jeans are 1) pluralized and 2) referred to as a pair
  • The musical designation "Adult Contemporary"
  • Monotone indie rock singers
  • The fact that homelessness is an issue in a country with a trillion useless cemeteries
  • $1.00 lighters
  • Popcorn shells stuck in your teeth and gum lining
  • Not being able to look directly at a solar eclipse
  • Hugh Grant
  • Long blog posts

Stay tuned for the next installment: Things That I Love! Oh, joy!


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