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Showing posts with label gary coleman. Show all posts

Top 10 People Who Fucked Up The Planet

Friday, May 21, 2010

In no particular order of importance. Click on links for illustrations:

(Even Boner was cooler than you. THAT was a rockstar!)

1. Kirk Cameron (for not following your destiny of becoming a strung out heroin addict and/or crackhead. This should've been your path. You had true potential and you became a jerk. You've disappointed all of us for getting all up on god's dick. Step off his jock, man, he don't like you. Youse mad wack, b!) Counteracting Agent: Gary Coleman. He may be tiny, but at least HE's been to the dark side, Willis!

 (More like Nostra-dumb-ass. Oh man, I kill me. Shut up.)

2. Nostradamus (for being wrong about absolutely everything. Although, kudos on being the first medieval drag-queen.) Counteracting Agent: Negrodamus (Paul Mooney)

 (If you look closely, you can see burning skulls embedded in the rose petals.)

3. That dude at the Vienna Academy who rejected Hitler's art (for obvious reasons. Way to go! You can inhale a nut for that.) Counteracting Agent: Bob Ross. He erases bad dreams with little strokes of magic.

 (YOU try drawing a heart on a laptop!)

4. Richard Nixon, and his little boyfriend, Henry Kissinger (for being a general dick and for giving pretty much every country a Hot Carl. If you're a ghost somewhere, I hope George Washington gives you a Cleveland Steamer and possibly a Michael Douglas.) Counteracting Agent: Abbot and Costello.

(Jesus loved dinosaurs.) 

5. Jesus (for helping create Born Agains, innocuous Eucharist wafers that taste like foam, unnecessary wars, Pacifists who never fight back, and ruining perfectly good tortillas with your narcissism.) Counteracting Agent: Patrick Swayze (I know, he's dead. But perhaps a series of highly coordinated international replays of all his movies will bring him back from the ether. Only his dance moves can counter Jesus' sick break dancing. Not to mention that Swayze appearing on a tortilla is waaaay more interesting.)


6. John D. Rockefeller (for being the absolute devil. So blood thirsty you wanted the Earth's blood and so tried draining it of all its oil. According to sources, you actually drank oil and munched on squirrel femurs on a regular basis, which is why you needed such a vast supply of both. If anyone were ever a Reptile, it would've been you. And if you're still alive somehow, though, please don't eat me.) Counteracting Agent: David Icke

7. Lou Perlman (on the one hand, we thank you for taking advantage of NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. Who knows, without you, they probably would've still been around. However, what in Jebus' name would you have done with all that money which would've otherwise gone to people who needed it? Buy an infinite amount of Bree and Swedish meatballs? I hope you get molested by Suge Knight on Death Row, if you ever make it there.) Counteracting Agent: Menudo

(You truly are a Song Bird.)

8. Kenny G. (for destroying the saxophone after Jazz was doing so well.Your music has helped conceive an endless amount of babies who are now subliminally programmed with a predisposition to elevator romance. You have punched love in the face, deforming it irreparably. You make root canals seem tame and you have shifted the earth's access with your magnetic curls.) Counteracting Agent: Tim Cappello. You may all briefly remember him from his dynamic and explicitly alluring cameo in The Lost Boys. He is the only creation strong enough to erase the Kenny G. taint still smothering our planet's sex vibe. Don't believe me? Watch.

(So handsome.)

9. Jason Priestley (for making a whole generation of teenagers and pre-teens feel bad about themselves by comparison. Your baby blue eyes were so electrifying that we had to second-guess ourselves before making googly eyes at cheerleaders who wanted Jason Priestleys. You were the reason why most of us stuck to Nintendo when we would've otherwise have been procreating to save the planet from Scientologists and Vanilla Ice wannabees.You should've shared your mojo, man.) Counteracting Agent: Zack Morris

  (Thanks for the pussification!)

10. The inventor of the Chicken Soup books (for damaging the men who's wives forced your books on them so as to engage their sympathies and bring forth their feminine sides. There were other ways to do that like braiding, Easy Bake ovens, sleep overs, reruns of Saved by the Bell, and Sweet Valley High.) Counteracting Agent: Hustler (or, The Boxcar Children Series)


That guy beneath Barney the Dinosaur's suit (for corrupting an endless score of youths that no longer know their asses from their elbows. And for staining our minds with the "Apples and Bananas" song. Damn you, it's so good!) Counteracting agent: Oscar The Grouch. At least HE was real and could fuck yo whole shit up. So to speak.


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